Resolve to Change

Humans are creatures of habit.  Most, if not all of us, have our usual rituals of things that we do.  Just imagine your average morning routine.  That routine is nothing more than a habit of what you do in preparation for your day.  Changing a habit is difficult. When you have finally made your decision to go after your dream and you have committed to take action, you are creating a new habit.

I am a believer in visual cues when getting out of your rut.  If you saw the movie GI Jane with Demi Moore, you may recall the scene when she dramatically resolves that she is going to persevere and become a Navy SEAL.  At the moment when the viewer may believe that she is on the verge of quitting, she stumbles into the barber shop and shears herself.  I am not advocating for such radical demonstrations of resolve, however, a visual reminder of your resolve to complete your goal is beneficial.

If, for example, your resolve was to drink less coffee, or to quit drinking coffee completely, perhaps your visual cue would be to move or remove your coffee pot.  If your resolve is to write, perhaps you carry a pen in your pocket at all times.  Maybe choose a wristband or bracelet which will serve as your visual reminder to eat less or exercise more.  Any visual cue can work as long as you have truly resolved to live your dream.

What visual cue will you choose?

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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