
I remember the first time I played Tetris. It was at the home of some kids I was coaching. It was love at first play! I NEEDED not only the Nintendo gaming system (which I still have) but also a Game Boy (which I also still have).  At the time I was in a professional position, I wore a suit every day, had an office with a door, and carried my leather brief case to and from work. I carried my game boy in my brief case. I played at lunch, I played to pass the time as I waited in line, I played in all my spare minutes. I used Tetris to relax, I fell asleep frequently thinking of the tetrads and how they fell and fit together. I was addicted!

I continued to play even after I could regularly beat the game. It was still a challenge. I am not sure when it changed, when I stopped being addicted. Probably as my life changed and I no longer was in compete control. I still play on occasion. Now it’s on my phone (affiliate link) or on my Wii with a game called Tetris Party. It’s a fun game that can be played against other players worldwide. If you’d like to play my friend code is 378151164396. Tetris Party offers many variations of the game. The same but different.

Thanks to Mental Floss and their recent post on Tetris, I have been enjoying the group ‘Tetris Everywhere’ on Flicker.

I sometimes miss the simple pleasure of the falling tetrads over lunch via my game boy or maybe I just miss a time when my life was simpler.

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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