40th Birthday with Mickey

The Beginning of an Epic Quest

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Lao-tzuThe Way of Lao-tzu
Chinese philosopher (604 BC – 531 BC)

No doubt you have heard the above referenced quote. Possibly you have uttered those words or similar words as you attempt to motivate either yourself or another, I know I have. Today as I was researching this quote for this post I found another translation from the original Chinese – “Even the longest journey must begin where you stand.”

I share these words with you as a way of announcing my new Epic Quest!

But first let me tell you how I arrived at the idea to follow this path. It all started rather simply. I went to eat wings with my friend Mary Martha and Jenn. As usual we lingered over the meal once it was complete. Eventually the conversation turned to Jenn’s Triathlon Training. Mary Martha likes to walk, something she does most every day and she asked about walking a marathon.

WALKING – something I had never considered! Because we have smart phones, we looked up the Battleship ½ marathon and learned that walkers start an hour and a half earlier than the runners. Mary Martha was very interested in participating. And as we are prone to doing; we talked about the 13.1 mile distance; we talked about possible routes; we talked about the date; we talked about training and then out of no where, I said to Mary Martha – ‘I think I’d like to do that with you’.

I was committed (and yes, I might mean in the crazy way <grin>).

40th Birthday with Mickey

But then, things got really out of control- Jenn googled the best marathons for walkers. She was reading off the list when she said the Disney Marathon. Jenn has been talking about the Disney Marathon for YEARS! So, I said ‘Hey, How perfect would it be to do the Disney Marathon for my 50th Birthday!’ As luck would have it the marathon is the weekend of my birthday AND my mom took me to Disney for my 40th Birthday so there is a certain symmetry to a Disney goal for my 50th!

So on the 13th of January (the day after I turn 50) the plan is to WALK the Disney Marathon!

I have been doing research and by following the plan I have set I can be ready to walk a marathon by November 4th (the date of the Battleship ½). My first hurdle is to walk that race and then persevere to walk a full marathon in January.

I invite you to my insanity! YES! You <pointing finger>

I could use a walking buddy to help me stay motivated (or two or fifteen) and I can think of no better way to spend my 50th birthday than to be at Disney with all my friends accomplishing a goal.


I’ll be keeping a Epic Quest log! If you’d like to follow along day to day – Here is the link to Gayle’s Epic Quest

I’ll be reporting my progress here from time to time.


About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

3 Comments Posted

  1. Way to go! Trust me you can do this. I just completed my first marathon (ran/walked it) and it has changed my life. I was inspired by my mom who had walked two marathons a few years ago. I am happy to share routes and tips and tricks, for your training (one word Glide). Best of luck on your Epic Quest!

    • Thank you, Sarah! I’m excited and scared all at the same time 🙂

      Yesterday, after my first walk I wished I hadn’t written the blog and told the world I was gonna do it. But I’m committed and quitting isn’t an option! I may take you up on your tips etc.

      As a side note, I think Glynne’s needs to develop a glide product 🙂

  2. You cannot imagine how much I love this and SO SAD that I do not live close enough to you to walk!! I’m sure between the two of us we could solve the problems of the world!!! Good luck my friend!!

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