Train Your Brain to Always Be Positive

Every day cannot be the best day of your life.  There may actually be days that suck! How do you let these days go and regain your positive outlook?  Believe me; I understand that what I am about to say will sound completely silly to you.  However the reality is you CAN think your way out of whatever negativity is taking over your brain.

You can train your brain to always think positive and you can teach yourself to always react in a positive way. Is it easy – nope! Is it worth the effort – ABSOUTELY! Here is the trick. Begin your day by answering these questions:

– What am I happy about today?

– What am I excited about today?

– What could I do today to feel more happy and excited?

– What am I grateful for in my life?

– What could I do to feel more grateful?

– What do I love?

– Who do I love?

– Who loves me?

– What am I proud of today?

– What am I enjoying most in my life?

– What am I committed to today?

– What can I give or share today?

– What can I do today to connect with my family?

– What can I do today to connect with people?

– What can I do today to make it a successful day?

– What can I do today to be healthy and take care of my body?

Before bed answer these questions:

– What have I given today?

– What have I learned today?

– What did I accomplish today?

– What are the good things that happened today?

– What did I do wrong today? How can I fix it?

– How can I make tomorrow a better day?

Make this a daily ritual.  You can think your way into a positive attitude.

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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