You Might Be a Winner – If You Work at It

Big Nate for August 10, 2010

This cartoon got me thinking.  It is typical of what many people do every day.  Instead of getting out there, working hard and striving toward their goals, they sit on the couch, hoping that the life they want will just magically appear.   Attaining your goals is not like winning a contest.  Crossing your fingers and hoping you are chosen in some random life contest will not make your desires come to pass.  All it will get you is more of the same.  And doesn’t the act of setting goals mean you want out of the  sameness and into something better?

The only way to reach your goals is to get busy.  Make sure you are doing something, ANYTHING, every day that will bring you closer to what you want from your life.  Even if you had a busy day just getting by and can only manage a small step in the right direction, be proud of yourself.  At least you are moving and not sitting still.  With every step you take, you are that much closer to reaching your goal.

Don’t forget why you are here, why you are working so hard.  Keep your eye on the prize (and not the $99 you might get for being the right caller).  The sense of accomplishment that you will feel once you get there will be worth all the effort.

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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