Be Fearless

FEAR!  We all have it. We all are forced to face our fears from time to time. Whether it the spider who confronts you in your bedroom when no one else is around or the idea that something is wrong in your body and you fear life changing news. We all from time to time must face our fears.

How do you approach your fears?

I am embarrassed to report that recently I lived with, at times, excruciating pain for over two weeks because I was afraid of the diagnosis. My mind could imagine all sorts of truly life altering problems. Fortunately, once I faced my fear, the problem was relatively minor and easily fixed with medication. For many of us, this is how we face our fears. We avoid.

Last night I spent some time on the phone with a friend who was afraid. She was afraid of being alone outside on a night with little light. She imagined wild animals and bugs, she feared falling and being unable to have help. Was this an irrational fear? Probably, but it was nevertheless it was a fear that caused her to be unable to continue with what she needed to do.

How do you overcome fear?

1. Recognize the fear

2. Decide you are going to conquer the fear

3. Focus your attention

4. Step into the fear with abandon

5. Pat yourself on the back when it’s over

6. Notice how much easier it gets

Be fearless today!


About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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