Call a Time Out

Call a Time Out

I'm Watching the Waves

I’m still enjoying a few days off. Maybe, you should too 🙂

Today, I am sharing with you three reasons you should stake a vacation. Bon Voyage!

1. You’ll live longer.
The Framingham Heart Study, a decades-long research project into the causes and risk factors for heart disease, found a strong link between vacations and longevity.  Go away on vacation at least once a year and your risk of death falls by 20% compared with those who keep working.

2. You’ll strengthen your family.
A number of psychological studies have shown that buying experiences — such as a vacation — increases happiness more than buying possessions.  Go back to your own childhood for a minute: Can you list all the presents you got for each birthday? Probably not. But chances are you can still have clear memories from family trips taken decades ago. Travel strengthens family bonds by creating shared memories.

3. You’ll come back a more effective leader.
We all know that sometimes problems need a fresh eye. Yet we still come into the office, day after day, thinking we’ll be hit with a sudden burst of creativity amid the usual routines.

The only way to get a new perspective is to get away. That means at least a week off (not a quickie three-day weekend) with minimal office contact. Only once you’ve cleared your brain will there be room for new, creative ideas to flow.

In the immortal words of Nike….Just do it!

Call a Time Out

You can’t afford not to.

About Gayle 481 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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