Let go of the clutter and focus

I watched the end of the British Open yesterday. The golf was good and it is always fun to watch someone unexpected win, and win big. In the broadcast, there was a lot of talk about a Red Dot Louis Oosthuizen had put on his glove. Here is Business Week’s description:

Oosthuizen, recognizes his weakness. He knew the problems of the past were a byproduct of temperament, not talent. red-dotOosthuizen had a penchant for losing focus, then strokes, then tournaments. He was done in by distraction. The mind would wander and, to no one’s surprise, so would the swing.

So he did something about it, something subtle. But it worked — big time. It was just a reminder to stay in the moment, to focus on one shot, and then the next one, and then the next one. Forget the last one. It’s done.

Oosthuizen actually put a small red dot just above the thumb on the glove that covers his left hand. For a golfer it’s impossible to miss.

He’d stand over the ball, looking down. There it was, in his line of sight, a colorful reminder to clear his mind of clutter.

Focus on the shot.

Anyone can need a reminder to focus. Sometimes it is just the simplest of visual reminders to stay focused on your goal. If you wear a watch, perhaps a colorful dot on the watch face or band. Maybe a reminder on your computer monitor or speedometer; the important part is that it is some place you will see it often. The reminder to focus does not have to be huge nor does it have to be obvious to everyone. This is your reminder. This is your goal.

Your mind can be a noisy place. Full of fears, lists, to-dos, regrets, hopes, dreams and on and on and on…Let go of the clutter and focus!

About Gayle 481 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

1 Comment Posted

  1. If I remember correctly, I think Jason Kidd has for many years blown a kiss to his daughter before each free throw attempt. I’ve never developed a mechanism like this for myself, but I’m a strong believer in the power of focus, whether in high-pressure situations or even just daily life. Maybe I’ll try to come up with one!

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