Simple does not mean Easy

When I first began Stay on Target Coach’s blog someone retweeted my post with these words attached ‘simple but good advice’. Immediately, I began to question my methods. Was I making things too simple?  Should this be more complicated or should I be writing on a higher intellectual level? The person who made the comment was not someone I know. It was not someone I go to for advice or inspiration. Yet, I questioned what I was doing based on this simple comment. No doubt, I spent far more time assessing and analyzing her comment than she spent in making the comment.

Yes, my blog post are frequently common sense and simple tips for living your life. I was sitting in Church on Sunday and the minister said, “It really is that simple. I wish I could tell you this was complicated but it is simple.” I want to reiterate this statement. I wish I could tell you a complicated formula for being positive, but these are simple principals. The application of the principals takes the time, effort and constant vigilance.

Many years ago, I took a class in Homiletics. I cannot tell you much I learned in the class except there was one statement, which stuck with me. It was that a homily should be at an eighth grade level so that everyone could understand the message. I was young and brash; therefore, I argued that by ‘dumbing down’ we were not raising the education level of our audience. My kindly old professor quickly reminded me that my job was not to inspire my audience to higher education but to inspire them to a better life.

The simplicity of the message does nothing to diminish the power of the message. The path to your goal is simple, staying on the path is the difficulty.

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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