Six Tips to Overcome FRUSTRATION

Imagine with me that you are working along and suddenly everything begins to go wrong. Immediately, frustration begins to set in. Maybe, you are having a good day, your significant other comes home, and somehow you are in the middle of a fight. Good mood gone and you are frustrated. There are thousands of examples of how frustration occurs. We all recognize the feelings but what do you do with those feelings and how do you keep them from bogging you down.

Let us be clear, your frustration may or may not stem from your endeavors to reach your goal. However, the results are the same. Frustration has a way of permeating everything. Here are six things you can do to help you overcome frustration and stay on target:

1. Focus on your Goal – If you have ever had the opportunity to walk across a log over a brook, you know that focusing on where you are going is more important than paying attention to each step. The same is true as you pursue your goal, focus more on the end and less on the brook beneath you.

2. Document your Accomplishments – There is no better feeling that being able to look back at all you have completed. Celebrate your progress.

3. Keep Moving – It is a law of nature, items at motion stay at motion better than those who are stagnate. Keep the momentum hold onto your resolve.

4. Simplify – If you have too many moving parts it is more likely something breaks. Keeping things simple lets you shed the unnecessary and distractions.

5. Do what is working – When you are frustrated is not the time to tackle your weaknesses. This is the time to do what you do best. It all needs to get done but you will waste time if you attempt your weakest part while frustrated. Set yourself up to win.

6. Explore your Options – You always have a choice. It may help to voice your frustration and brainstorm with someone. Maybe a trusted friend or a coach (like Stay on Target Coach) can help you work through your frustration and see all your options.

Frustration is temporary – Achievement is forever.

About Gayle 481 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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